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Analysis of composite superhard material industry developmen(7)

Date:2013-12-13 23:05Source:未知 Author:admin Click: times
煤田 /矿山 工具用PCD 复合片 的市场需求 主要受 煤炭的开采 量 影响 。 国家统计局数据显示 , 我国 从 1990年到 2009年 煤炭 的产量和消费量 都呈现不断增

Secondly, the coal / mining tools with PCD composite sheet market demand is mainly affected by the mining of coal. The National Bureau of statistics data show, our country has taken on increasing trend from 1990 to 2009, coal production and consumption, production and consumption of basic balance. In 2011 the total output of our countrycoal reached 35.2 tons, an increase of 8.7%. In coal productioncontinues to drive our country mining diamond composite sheetmarket scale is continually expanding, mine complex global market size of nearly 20000000000 Yuan, Chinese market scale is about 2000000000 yuan.

再次PCD高品级拉丝模胚线材在工业生产和工程建设中需求量巨大的带动,市场容量可观,但由于PCD 拉丝模坯的生产成本和售价较高,目前仅有部分对拉丝效果精度要求较高的终端用户选用PCD 拉丝模坯市场容量有待进一步扩大

Once again, PCD high grade wire drawing dies by the wire in the industrial production and construction is in great demand driven,market capacity is considerable, but because the PCD drawing die manufacturing cost and selling price is high, the end user at present only part of the wire drawing effect, high precision using PCD drawingdie, the capacity of the market to further expand.


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