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Analysis of composite superhard material industry developmen(4)

Date:2013-12-13 23:05Source:未知 Author:admin Click: times
PCD ) and cubic boron nitride ( PCBN ) , and to create a blade , the diamond superhard materials obtained the rapid development, increase technical level , application field is extended to drilling to
 PCD ) and cubic boron nitride ( PCBN ), and to create a blade, thediamond superhard materials obtained the rapid development,increase technical level, application field is extended to drilling tools and cutting tools. At present, technical process of polycrystalline diamond compacts has been very mature, can meet a variety ofgeological exploration work, greatly improving the work efficiency of oil and gas exploration.


Compared with the overseas development of superhard materialindustry, domestic superhard materials industry started relatively late,until 1963 before the successful development of artificial diamond.


The early artificial diamond is mainly used in abrasive, before and after 2000 I of superhard material industry ushered in the firstindustry development, the traditional process of sheet to be upgraded to powder technology, the cost of a substantial decline indiamond. After diamond production China fast rise, the annual output of about 80% of the world's total output.


In recent years, due to the development of large-scale six anvil pressChina's diamond industry quickly, superhard material industryushered in the second major industrial development, diamond to further reduce production costs, technology, product quality, processare close to the international level. Domestic diamond composite sheet in cutting, coal mine fields, with gradually replace importeddiamond composite sheet, the domestic high-end oil composite sheetinto the international market, export volume increased.


Future development prospect of composite superhard material the size of the market and Industry

随着下游应用市场需求 (Editor:admin)
