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Steel cutting glass diamond cutter tool life and machining e

Date:2013-12-13 23:04Source:未知 Author:admin Click: times
金刚石刀具 车削 玻璃 钢 的 刀具耐用度 和加工效率 Steel cutting glass diamond cutter tool life and machining efficiency 玻璃钢 实际上是 玻璃纤维增强 工程塑料, 是 玻璃纤维 和 环氧树脂或 酚醛树


Steel cutting glass diamond cutter tool life and machining efficiency

玻璃钢实际上是玻璃纤维增强工程塑料,玻璃纤维环氧树脂或酚醛树脂的结合物 玻璃是以环氧酚醛树脂为粘结剂玻璃纤维为填料加入少量配合剂的热固性塑料制品特别是SiO2含量达90%以上高硅氧玻璃在切削过程中这些硬质点具有研磨的性质使刀具磨损严重工件起层掉渣粉尘严重

FRP is actually the glass fiber reinforced plastic, is a combination ofglass fiber and epoxy or phenolic resin, glass steel is epoxy phenolicresin as adhesive, glass fiber as fillers, thermosetting plastic productsby adding a small amount of complexing agent. Especially high silica glass steel SiO2 content is more than 90%, in the process of cutting,grinding properties of these hard spots, make serious tool wear,workpiece layer, dregs, serious dust.


Glass steel not tempered glass. Is a combination of glass fiber andepoxy or phenolic resin, glass steel is epoxy phenolic resin as adhesive, glass fiber as fillers, thermosetting plastic products by adding a small amount of complexing agent. Especially high silica glass steel SiO2 content is more than 90%, in the process of cutting,grinding properties of these hard spots, make serious tool wear,workpiece layer (Editor:admin)
