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Analysis of composite superhard material industry developmen(5)

Date:2013-12-13 23:05Source:未知 Author:admin Click: times
的不断扩大 , 复合 超硬材料 下游需求 呈现较快 增长的态势 。 前瞻 产业研究院 的 监测数据 显示 , 目前国内 超硬 材料与制品 产值 大约在1:3-1:6之间

With the demand of downstream applications market continues to expand, composite superhard material downstream demand is showing rapid growth trend. Monitoring data of prospective industry research institute shows, at present domestic superhard materials and products output value is about 1:3-1:6, with the increasing of the downstream composite superhard materials products market scale,market demand composite superhard material increases, the market demand for high quality diamond accounted for the proportion of the whole market is about 60-70%.


First of all, oil / gas drill with PCD composite film market capacity anddemand mainly by the downstream oil and gas drilling marketdemand, while oil and gas drilling demand mainly by the oil and gasmarket demand and oil and gas mining enterprises mining plan.


Statistical data shows, China's oil output in 2009 was 189490000 tons, consumption is up to 383845000 tons, the strong dependence on foreign oil. " The people's Republic of China National Economic and social development in the Twelfth Five Year Plan " clearly pointed out the need to increase oil exploration and developmentefforts, to stabilize the domestic oil production.


On the other hand, China natural gas production and consumption ofthe overall growth trend. Data shows, 2005 to 2011, China's natural gas production has been showing rapid growth trend. In 2011, (Editor:admin)
