China's natural gas production increased rapidly, the total global output of natural gas output reached 102500000000 cubic meters,3.1%, grow 8.12% compared to the same period.
随着我国油气产量的不断增长,对于油气用金刚石复合片的需求量也表现出旺盛的需求。目前,油气用PCD复合片全球市场规模约为110亿元人民币,我国市场空间大约为14亿元人民币,发展潜力巨大。 With the continuous growth of China's oil and gas production, thediamond composite sheet for the demand of oil and gas also showedstrong demand. At present, the oil and gas with PCD composite filmglobal market size of about 11000000000 yuan, the market space in China is about 1400000000 yuan, a huge potential for development. 根据美国能源署(EIA)公布的《2011年全球页岩气资源初步评估》报告,中国是全球页岩气储量最多的国家,可采储量约为36.1万亿立方米,远高于世界其他国家。进入“十二五”,我国将页岩气勘探开发作为国家能源战略的重要发展领域之一,在《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》中指出“退佃煤层气、页岩气等非常规油气资源开发利用”,在《页岩气发展规划(2011-2015年)》明确目标要“力争到2020年产量达到600-1,000亿立方米”。所以,随着页岩气开发利用的深入,油气用PCD复合片必将迎来新的发展机遇,市场规模将进一步扩大。 According to the USA Energy Agency (EIA) announced the " 2011 global shale gas resources evaluation " report, China global shale gas reserves most countries, recoverable reserves of about 36.1 cubic meters, far higher than other countries in the world. In the "Twelfth Five Year ", China's shale gas exploration and developmentas one of the most important developments in the field of national energy strategy, in the " people's Republic of China NationalEconomic and social development in the Twelfth Five Year Plan " that " remains of coalbed methane, shale gas and other unconventional oil and gas resources development and utilization ", in " shale gasdevelopment plan ( 2011-2015 year ) " clear goal to " strive to 2020production reached 600-1000 billion cubic meters ". So, with theexploitation of deep oil and gas shale gas, PCD composite film willusher in a new development opportunity, will further expand the market size. 其次, (Editor:admin) |