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Analysis of composite superhard material industry developmen(3)

Date:2013-12-13 23:05Source:未知 Author:admin Click: times
field of machinery , metallurgy , traditional geology , petroleum , coal , wood , construction , automotive , home electrical , and electronic information , aerospace , defense industry and other high
field of machinery, metallurgy, traditional geology, petroleum, coal,wood, construction, automotive, home electrical, and electronicinformation, aerospace, defense industry and other high technical field. The main products include oil / gas drill with diamond sintered body ( PCD ) composite sheet, coal / mining tools with PCDcomposite sheet, PCD high grade of wire drawing die blanks and PCD/PCBN tool for the composite sheet.


With the sustained and rapid development of economy and the recovery of the global economy and domestic, petroleum industry,construction industry, metal cutting machine tools and automotiveindustry have increased greatly the long-term, superhard material composite end user market will maintain rapid growth trend ofcomposite superhard materials demand, will bring more developmentopportunities and broad the market space for the further development of composite superhard material industry.


Composite superhard material development


Composite superhard materials industry production and development has benefited from the 50's of the twentieth Century, the Ge Corp (GE ) the successful development of synthetic diamond, this periodbelongs to the preliminary stage of development, with a low level of technology, production scale is small.


Then, in 1977, GE company also developed a diamond sintered body( (Editor:admin)
