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Henan industrial cluster district: a new growth pole of supe(4)

Date:2013-12-13 22:43Source:未知 Author:admin Click: times
以产业集聚 区 为突破口 , 河南省 一批 县市 形成了 产业与 城镇 融合 发展 的良好 局面 。 在平原 农业县 临颍 , 目前已经形成 了一个 拥有 超百亿元


Based on the industrial agglomeration area as a breakthrough point, a number of cities and counties in Henan province to form a good situation of development ofindustry and urban fusion. In the Linying Plain Agricultural County, has formed a food industrial cluster has exceed ten billion yuan scale, and become Chinese leisure foodindustry base, in less than 4 years, has accumulated more than 40000 migrant workers returning home in the doorway.


With the expansion of the size of the rapid development ofindustry cluster district and city, city resident population has increased from 140000 to 240000, driven by the rapid development of the three industry; industry and promote the rapid development of agricultural rapid population transfer to the city, also provides the premise for the scale management of agriculture. According to county Party Secretary Wang Guogan introduced, at present the countyland circulation rate reached 54%, compared with 2009, the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization by 26 home to 40 acres, operating more large grain increased from 9 to 26, the per capita net income of farmers reached 9446 yuan, higher than the provincial average nearly 2000element.

提升发展水平 助力转型攻坚

To promote the development level of power transformation and poverty

河南省省长谢伏瞻认为当前和今后一个时期河南省爬坡转型攻坚的关键时期既面临着中原经济区郑州航空港经济综合实验区上升国家战略和国内外产业加速向中西部地区转移的重大机遇也面临着资源环境约束加剧劳动力供应日益趋紧区域竞争日趋激烈等严峻挑战因此, (Editor:admin)
