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Henan industrial cluster district: a new growth pole of supe(2)

Date:2013-12-13 22:43Source:未知 Author:admin Click: times
have troubled . 在这样的背景下 , 河南省 180个 产业集聚区 的表现 更显 不俗 。 河南 省统计局的数据显示 , 今年前4个月 , 全省 产业集聚区 利润同比增长
 have troubled.


In this context, the 180 industry cluster in Henan provinceperformance more good. Henan Provincial Bureau of statistics data show, the first 4 months of this year, the province's industrial agglomeration area profit rose nearly 25%, higher than the provincial average more than 13 percentage points, all profits accounted for 37.2% of above scale industries, strong support to achieve rapid increase inthe province's industrial economic benefits long.


5 earlier this month, industrial cluster of Henan provincecompleted investment grew by 33.2%, the proportion of theinvestment of nearly 50%; in the construction of more than billion project, as well as the start of the new billion yuanproject of the province accounted for more than half.


Henan province began the deployment of industry cluster district planning and construction from 2008, just a few years time, played a key role not only in response to the international financial crisis, has increasingly become anew carrier and breakthrough of Henan transformation development. By the end of 2012, Henan 180 industrial zone investment exceeded 1 yuan, above scale industrialsales income reached 2.47 yuan, employing nearly 3000000 people, the cumulative number of new jobsaccounted for more than half of the province.


The new economic growth pole


Henan provincial Party committee, province government thinks (Editor:admin)
