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The principle of preparation and application of electroplate

Date:2013-12-13 22:47Source:未知 Author:admin Click: times
电镀金刚石 工具的 制备 原理 及应用 The principle of preparation and application of electroplated diamond tools 近日 , 西班牙 光子 科学研究所 ( ICFO ) 在NaturePhysics杂志上 发表研究 , 称 室温下 纳


The principle of preparation and application of electroplated diamond tools


Recently, the Spanish photon Science Institute ( ICFO )published the study in the Journal NaturePhysics, saidnano diamond room temperature can be used as ultrafast optical switch emitter independent.


The electronic transistor is one of the importantcomponents of modern electronic technology, it has greatly improved the speed of information processing in the prior art. The so-called electronic transistor, semiconductor device is used for the function conversion and amplifiedelectronic signal. Today, optical transistor has replaced thetraditional electronic technology, has become the core technology of optical signal processing. One is because the photon has a dynamic attribute faster, but also because of weak interaction between photon and the surrounding environment; this makes the high integration and quantumoperation is possible.


Previous studies found that a single dye molecules can also act as optical transistor, but the dye molecules can only play a role in super low temperature. Ultra low temperature conditions greatly limits the application of quantum computing.

ICFO最新的研究发现纳米金刚石在室温下可以有效地充当可控型光开关含有一个氮杂质的纳米金刚石就像一个人造原子由于封装效应encapsulation在室温下要比真正的原子更稳定ICFO的科学家发现了一种新颖的物理机制用来控制纳米金刚石跟 (Editor:admin)
