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China International Hardware Show investment promotion meeti(2)

Date:2013-12-13 23:32Source:未知 Author:admin Click: times
大特点: 增长稳定 , 规模大, 层次高 ; 受众面广 去, 影响力大, 参展企业和 观众 层次高 ; 专业化程度高 , 参展 效果好 ; 宣传力度大, 国内外

China hardware exhibition consists of five major characteristics:stable growth, large scale, high level; wide audience, influence,exhibitors and the audience of high level; a high degree of specialization, the effect is good; propaganda, domestic and foreignwell-known; perfect service to remind, comprehensive high satisfaction.


Chinese International Hardware Show ( CIHS ) was founded in 2001,by the China Hardware Products Association, Cologne International Exhibition Co., Ltd., the National Association of industry and Commerce Hardware electrical chamber of Commerce, InternationalTrade Promotion Committee Chinese jointly sponsored by the light industry branch, Beijing Rui Exhibition Co. Ltd. and Shanghai, tool development limited company to undertake, Vivian network(www.wel.com ) for electronic business partner. Show organizershave been through the good relations of cooperation with the globalhardware industry organization and influence in Hardware Federationin foreign output, " a good hardware in China " concept, through a variety of channels, strive to build the CIHS visibility and influence in the international arena.

  本届展会将有来自德国意大利美国日本韩国印度台湾等10个国家和地区120家国际展商参展包括德国昆杰TUV南德Rhodius意大利Platmeccanica等世界著名企业 (Editor:admin)
