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The "Oriental Pearl " Chongqing Hardware Show, not to be

Date:2013-12-13 23:33Source:未知 Author:admin Click: times
西部 东方明珠 重庆五金展 , 不可错过 的盛会 The Oriental Pearl Chongqing Hardware Show , not to be missed event 2014年 5月22-24日重庆 国际会议展览中心 ( 南坪 ) 再次 重磅出击 。 由重庆市 工商联


The "Oriental Pearl " Chongqing Hardware Show, not to be missedevent


In 2014 May 22-24 day in Chongqing International Convention and Exhibition Center ( Nanping ) again heavy attack. By the Chongqing Municipal Federation of industry and Commerce ( General Chamber of Commerce Hardware electrical chamber of Commerce, SichuanProvincial Federation of industry and Commerce Hardware electricalchamber of Commerce, Yunnan Provincial Federation of industry and Commerce Hardware electrical chamber of Commerce, GuizhouProvincial Federation of industry and Commerce Hardware electricalchamber of Commerce jointly sponsored, Chongqing Huide Exhibitionlimited company to undertake the "Fifteenth Chongqing internationalfive gold electrical Exhibition " will be a new start, the grand opening.


The western Chongqing Hardware Fair ( hereinafter referred to as "IIEF" ) in a professional, focused, concentrate on the industry service spirit, adhere to the hard course of 14 years, has so far beenFu international fame, praise by the industry, become the government's focus on the cultivation of exhibition project, creates the hardware famous exhibition! It is reported the exhibition scale will continue to expand the area reached 30000 square meters, is expected to break the 600 home buyers exhibitors, more than 32000 people, is expected to scale with 1000 standard booths, display area of 30000 square meters.

  重庆作为西部唯一直辖市国家重点经济发展城市西南经济中心不仅具有优渥的地理位置优势随着新区建设 (Editor:admin)
