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China International Hardware Show investment promotion meeti

Date:2013-12-13 23:32Source:未知 Author:admin Click: times
中国 国际五金展 招商推介会 落户临沂 百余 企业 参 China International Hardware Show investment promotion meeting in Linyi over a hundred enterprises . 琅琊新闻 网11月12日讯 ( 记者 胡雪莹 ) 12日 , 中国

中国国际五金展招商推介会落户临沂 百余企业

China International Hardware Show investment promotion meeting in Linyi over a hundred enterprises.

琅琊新闻网11月12日讯 记者 胡雪莹12日,中国国际五金展招商推介会在临沂举行据介绍备受业界期待与瞩目的中国国际五金展CIHS将于2013年11月2628日在上海新国际博览中心拉开帷幕作为行业公认的风向标晴雨表”2013年CIHS将继续秉承展会多年来一贯的国际化高端定位根据行业实际特点及展商需求提供更为深入实际的价值服务力求实现信息化、创新与传统五金制造产业的再度融合

Langya news network November 12th news ( reporter Hu Xueying )12 days, China International Hardware Show investment promotion meeting held in Linyi. According to introducing the expectation andattention China International Hardware Show ( CIHS ) in 2013November 26 - 28 in Shanghai New International Expo Center began.As the industry recognized " wind vane ", " barometer", in 2013 CIHSwill continue to uphold the exhibition over the years international high-end positioning consistent, according to the actualcharacteristics and demand for exhibitors to provide more professional service, the actual value of depth. In order to realize the informationization, innovation and traditional hardware manufacturingindustry again fusion.

  据了解 此次展会占地14万平米2800多家展商预计近5万名观众前来观展2013年CIHS无论从展会模式展馆设置展位分区还是从配套活动专业论坛等方面都较之前有很大提升通过展会主办方多年的积累和优化一场加强版”五金行业豪门盛宴即将上演

It is understood, the exhibition covers an area of 140000 square meters, more than 2800 exhibitors, is expected to nearly 50000spectators come to the show, the 2013 CIHS regardless of theexhibition, exhibition hall, booth set mode partition or from thesupporting activities, professional forums etc. are improved greatlythan before. Through the accumulation and optimization during theyears, an " enhanced version" of the feast of the upcoming hardware industry.

  中国五金展览会共包含五 (Editor:admin)
