recycling system treating the fermentationproduces carbon dioxide, made from edible, industrial use of carbon dioxide, and the treatment of waste mash liquid purification system,refined corn oil and DDGS feed.
科技创新和成果转化让孟州经济腾飞展开了双翅,去年,该市的隆丰皮草公司、飞孟公司、泰利杰公司分别成为羊剪绒、超硬材料、膳食纤维的国家或行业标准制定单位;广济药业核黄素生物发酵工艺被定为“国际首创”;该市实现了粮食产量“十连增”,建立农业产业化龙头企业23家,科技为农民增收超过1亿元。 Technical innovation and transformation of achievements thatMengzhou economy expanded its wings, last year, the city Takatoyo fur company, Fei Meng, Tai Lijie companies to become units forsheep shearing, super hard materials, dietary fiber national standard or industry standard; Guangji pharmaceutical nuclear Huang Susheng fermentation process was designated as " international initiative "; the city food production " ten increase ", establishment ofagricultural industrialization leading enterprises 23, science and technology for farmers to increase more than 100000000 yuan. 该公司副总经理杨晓明算了一笔账:“以3吨玉米为基本单位,可以产出1吨酒精、1吨二氧化碳、0.9吨DDGS饲料、0.11吨玉米油,加上回收利用的沼气、肥料所节约的资金,按目前市场价测算,每吨玉米可增值五六倍。”目前,该公司又将产业链条延伸到醋酸乙酯、高纯度酒精燃料等,新上年产6000吨阿斯巴甜项目,年创利税1亿元。 The company deputy general manager Yang Xiaoming calculated brushstroke Zhang : "with 3 tons of corn as the basic unit, canproduce 1 tons of alcohol, 1 tons of carbon dioxide, 0.9 tons of DDGS feed, 0.11 tons of corn oil, coupled with the recovery of methane, fertilizer use by saving money, according to the currentmarket price calculation, every tons of corn can be added five or six times. " At present, the company will be the industrial chain extends to ethyl acetate, high purity alcohol fuel, an annual output of 6000 tons of aspartame new project, the annual profit and tax 100000000 yuan. ——本信息真实性未经北钻超硬材料网证实,仅供您参考 -- the information authenticity without North drilling super hard material that, only for your reference (Editor:admin) |