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The innovation of science and technology of super hard mater(2)

Date:2013-12-13 22:24Source:未知 Author: Click: times
distribution, in-depth visits to enterprises , to help enterprises set up various conditions of science and technology R D center , engineering center and research station , the initial formation of a
 distribution, in-depth visits to enterprises, to help enterprises set up various conditions of science and technology R & D center, engineering center and research station, the initial formation of a station, two bases, 34 Engineering Technology Center,5000 science and technology R & D personnel talent echelonpattern, covering machinery manufacturing, precision machining,biological medicine, new energy, new materials and other fields. Now,more than 90% of the city's enterprises to establish engineering technology center, average every 1.2 days on the 1 items of nationalpatent application generated here.


The author from the science and Technology Department to understand, the first three quarters of last year, Mengzhou above scale high-tech enterprises, the industrial added value reached 2670000000 yuan, accounting for above scale industrial added valueabove 50%, the progress of science and technology contribution to economic growth rate reached 60%.


" Innovation driven" strategy to activate the Mengzhou enterprise endogenous power, by virtue of high-tech enterprise independentinnovation grows blossom everywhere. Central Plains with the company established the first county postdoctoral workstation, attractmetal materials at Zhengzhou University Dr. Liu Shengxin led the 2Graduate Students in compacted graphite cast iron, to participate inresearch projects, the value of 125000000 yuan for the enterpriseproduction, 60000000 yuan in profits and taxes. At present, thecompany independent research and development of new products inmore than 30 countries, has become the cylinder liner productionstandard setters, last year the market main product of new productsaccounted for 70%.


At the same time, Mengzhou city also injected through the elements of science and technology, the rapid advance of the process of agricultural modernization. Huaxing company is to use technology tocorn into a " golden peas ". The company in the process of corn processing ethanol, (Editor:admin)
