超硬材料项目方面的科技创新推动孟州经济发展 The innovation of science and technology of super hard materialprojects in the aspects of promoting the economic development in Mengzhou 日前,孟州市飞孟金刚石有限公司负责人自豪地说。“我们已拥有20余项授权专利技术,技术创新创效近4亿元。”该公司依托超硬研磨材料工程技术,已成为中国最大的砂轮用多晶树脂金刚石磨料生产厂家。目前,该公司研发的多晶立方氮化硼磨料属国内首创,填补国内空白,预计项目产业化后,年产量将达1.6亿克拉,新增销售收入2亿元。 Recently, Mengzhou city famous diamond company responsible person said proudly. " We have more than 20 patent technology,technology innovation and benefit nearly 400000000 yuan. " Thecompany relies on the super hard abrasive materials engineering technology, has become the largest Chinese polycrystalline diamondgrinding wheel with resin abrasive manufacturers. At present, the company developed the polycrystalline cubic boron nitride abrasive is a domestic initiative, to fill the domestic blank, the project is expected to industrialization, annual output will reach 160000000 carat, new sales income 200000000 yuan. “小巨人”企业飞孟公司的成长,仅是孟州市众多科技型企业快速发展的一个缩影。 " Little giant " enterprise Fei Meng company's growth, is only anepitome of the rapid development of a large number of science and technology enterprises in Mengzhou city. 孟州从破解高端人才“请不到、用不起、留不住”的瓶颈制约做起,悉心为企业搭建人才聚集平台。该市财政不仅每年投入科技经费3000万元,还建立企业自主创新奖励基金500万元;牵头成立了招才引智办公室,派专人对接,了解上级政策和人才分布状况,深入走访企业,帮助有条件的企业设立各种科技研发中心、工程技术中心和科研工作站,初步形成了一站、两基地、34个工程技术中心、5000名科技研发人员的人才梯队模式,涵盖机械制造、精密加工、生物医药、新能源、新材料等多个领域。如今,该市90%以上的企业建立了工程技术中心,平均每1.2天就有1项国家专利申请在这里产生。 Mengzhou from the crack of high-end talent " please not to, can not afford, do not leave " the bottleneck restriction to start, good for enterprises to build talent aggregation platform. The financial input in science and technology is not only a year 30000000 yuan of funds,but also the establishment of enterprise independent innovationincentive fund 5000000 yuan; JCTLM OEI office, sent to the docking,the policy and personnel (Editor:admin) |