, dregs, serious dust. Resin for high cutting temperature and burning. Turning of glass steel, CDW20 gradediamond tool has the following characters: high durability of the cutting tool, cutting high smoothness; high machining efficiency, the use of CDW20 grade generally without cutting fluid for dry cutting; if because of high speed or thermal properties of the workpiecedifference causing the cutting temperature is too high, can use water-based cutting fluid cooling.
(1)刀具材料性能:CDW20牌号金刚石刀具是河南超硬材料研究所针对车削玻璃钢研制而成,与采用硬质合金刀具车削相比,可以提高刀具耐用度几十倍以上。 ( 1 ) cutting tool material properties: CDW20 grade diamond tool isHenan Superhard Materials Research Institute for turning glass steel and become, compared with the turning carbide tool, can improve thedurability of the tool is several times more. (2)刀具几何参数:玻璃钢多属于脆性材料。如高硅氧玻璃钢的板材、模压材料和缠绕材料,都属于这类材料。只有适当加大前角,保持刀刃锋利,才能顺利地切断纤维。由于玻璃钢的弹性模量小,弹性恢复大,为了减小摩擦,使切削轻快,刀具的前角,由于刀片结构和刀片材料强度的限制,华菱超硬刀具会根据客户具体情况设计出刀具的角度;力求达到最佳的切削状态,丰富的刀具刃磨技术经验使得玻璃钢车削后光洁度高,经过多次验证,车削玻璃钢时选用CDW20牌号,采用7-11度后角,5-6度前角,2-3度刃倾角,可粗加工,可精加工,采用此角度时,不易产生积削瘤,刀具不震动,加工过程噪音小; ( 2 ) the tool geometric parameters: glass steel belongs to brittle materials. Such as the material, high silica glass steel moldingmaterials and wrapping material, belong to this class of materials.Only increase the anterior horn, keep blade sharp, can smoothly cut fiber. The elastic modulus of glass steel (Editor:admin) |