管委会副主任师淑君到河南四方达超硬材料产业 CMC vice chairman Shi Shujun to Henan Quartet of superhard material industry 2月18日,管委会副主任师淑君到河南四方达超硬材料股份有限公司调研,招商二局局长刘振峰等陪同调研。该公司成立于1997年,主要从事复合超硬材料及制品的研发和生产,是国内规模最大的聚晶金刚石研发与生产企业,产品配套装备制造及汽车零部件企业,目前已于2011年2月15日通过创业板发审委审核,成功上市。 In February 18th, the CMC vice chairman Shi Shujun to Henansifangda superhard materials Limited by Share Ltd research,investment two accompanied by Liu Zhenfeng of director of bureau ofinvestigation. The company was founded in 1997, mainly engaged in composite superhard materials and products R & D and production,is a polycrystalline diamond R & D and the largest manufacturer ofancillary products, equipment manufacturing and auto parts enterprises, has been in February 15, 2011 through the audit committee do poineering work board hair careful, the successful listing. 师淑君一行先后参观了产品及工艺展示厅,听取了方海江董事长就公司发展及新项目的情况介绍。该公司计划投资26亿元征地建设四方达复合超硬材料产业园,主要发展工具、复合超硬材料、原材料及设备配套、高端装备制造四大板块,作为公司产品大规模量产基地。师淑君对该投资规划给予支持和肯定,认为四方达公司是经开区培育的复合超硬材料行业首家上市公司,具有高新技术企业上市后较好的成长性,开发区将根据产业发展及规划要求,综合项目投资和产出情况,将该公司新项目纳入议事日程,争取四方达新项目落户我区,为开发区建设发展做出新的更大贡献。 Shi Shujun paid a visit to the products and technology exhibition hall,listening to the chairman Fang Haijiang on the development of company and the new project introduction. The company plans to invest 2600000000 yuan of land to build a quartet of compositesuperhard material industry park, the main development tools and equipment, composite superhard materials, raw material supporting,high-end equipment manufacturing four plate, as the companyproduct mass production base. Shi Shujun is planning to give support and affirmation of the investment, Sifang Tatsu is the open area to cultivate composite superhard material industry 's first listing Corporation, with good growth potential of the company after the listing of high-tech, (Editor:admin) |