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Chinese scientists have developed a hardness super diamond n(4)

Date:2013-12-13 23:01Source:未知 Author:admin Click: times
materials can be sustained without the occurrence of softening hardening . The experimental data from this study support this assertion, which broke the peoples traditional understanding of material h
 materials can be sustained without the occurrence of softening hardening. The experimental data from this study support this assertion, which broke the people's traditionalunderstanding of material hardening mechanism, for the development of high performance ultra hard material direction. If thisprinciple and technology applied to other materials, especially thediamond, the hardness, toughness and stability will be greatly improved, new hardness records will be born, this will have a profound influence on the development of the machinery industry.


" Natural " magazine to highlight news release " rise above the common herd superhard material " to the international media introduced the achievements, and pointed out that " the new material can open widely industrial application ", quickly attracted wide attention, to the German national radio, " Scientific American ", "America line " as the representative of the many world famous the media and the magazine was reported, as America wired reporter Nathan Hurst points out: " the diamond is the world's most hardmaterials, this is just a misinformed ' fact ' ". America materials research in the science of Materials360 wrote on the web site " as cutting tools, diamond, (Editor:admin)
