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Chinese scientists have developed a hardness super diamond n(3)

Date:2013-12-13 23:01Source:未知 Author:admin Click: times
在以上理论的指导下 , 田永君及其合作者 首先 采用一种具有 类似 俄罗斯套娃 结构的 洋葱 氮化硼 纳米 颗粒 为原料 成功地合成出 透明的 纳米孪晶结构

在以上理论的指导下田永君及其合作者首先采用一种具有类似俄罗斯套娃结构的洋葱氮化硼纳米颗粒为原料成功地合成出透明的纳米孪晶结构立方氮化硼硬度达到108 GPa超过金刚石单晶孪晶平均厚度仅为3.8 nm远低于传统知识人们普遍认为材料硬化下限此时材料不仅出现软化反而持续硬化更可喜的是材料韧性和抗氧化温度也同时得到了明显提高

Under the guidance of the above theory, Tian Yongjun and his collaborators first an onion boron nitride nano particles similar tomatryoshka structure as raw material was successfully synthesizednano twin structures of cubic boron nitride transparent, hardness reaches 108 GPa, exceeding the diamond single crystal. Twinaverage thickness is only 3.8 of nm, well below the lower limit of thematerial hardening people generally believe that the traditional knowledge of value, this material is not only not softened, but continued to hardening. What's more, toughness and oxidation resistance of materials also have been improved obviously.


Secondly, according to the theoretical model proposed in 2012, they think of polycrystalline covalent material hardening mechanism in addition to Holzer - known as the page effect, and quantum confinement effect additional contribution. It can be asserted:quantum limit hardening domain effect can compensate the softening- Holzer - Page effect; microstructure with reduced size,polycrystalline covalent (Editor:admin)
