In 1956, into the global JIAPANG kya sales scale, in the German state of Isaacson ( Sachsen ) established the headquarters center, and the global R & D and sales headquarters in germany.
1962年,JIAPANG嘉庞通过欧洲EN12209权威商业认证,成为德国科隆五金展指定合作五金品牌之一。 In 1962, JIAPANG kya through the European EN12209 certificationauthority business, to become Germany Koln, specifying one ofcooperation hardware brand.
1972年,JIAPANG嘉庞成为德国慕尼黑夏季奥运会(奥运村)唯一五金供应商。 In 1972, JIAPANG kya became Germany Munich Summer Olympics (Olympic Village) only hardware supplier.
1973年,JIAPANG嘉庞成为法兰克福机场指定五金供应商。 In 1973, JIAPANG kya become Frankfurt Main Airport specifiedhardware supplier.
1975—1979年,JIAPANG嘉庞年销量不断创历史新高,当之无愧成为欧洲的五金销量冠军。 1975 - 1979, JIAPANG Ka Pang years sales continue to record high,fully deserve to become Europe's hardware sales champion.
1989年,JIAPANG嘉庞成为欧洲最大的五金生产商之一。 In 1989, JIAPANG kya to become one of the largest Europeanmanufacturer of hardware.
1990年,JIAPANG嘉庞参与了德国家具五金标准的指定。 In 1990, the specified JIAPANG kya in the German furniture hardwarestandard.
1993年,JIAPANG嘉庞在德国拥有分公司达20多家,并相继在美国、加国及俄罗斯等国家成立分公司,产品销往世界100多个国家。 In 1993, JIAPANG kya has more than 20 companies in Germany, and have set up a branch office in American, Canada and Russia and other countries, the products are sold to more than 100 countries in the world.
1999年—2009年,JIAPANG嘉庞连续十年荣获德国五金名牌最高荣誉 1999 - 2009, JIAPANG kya for ten consecutive years won the highest honor (Editor:admin) |