The seminar content rich, diverse forms. At present, the ConferenceSecretariat has received more than 50 papers, in English. Range of the thesis include : synthetic diamond, cubic boron nitride, compositesuperhard materials, thin ( thick ) film, nano diamond, all kinds oftools, all kinds of function of the ultra hard material, all kinds of raw and auxiliary materials, all kinds of special equipment and instruments. All aspects of superhard materials and productsmanufacturing, application, detection theory, testing, process, etc..Both comprehensive paper on industry development, also has thespecial technology, not to stick to one pattern. Professionals in the industry is still in manuscript. At that time, the preferred assemblyofficially published by the press. 研讨会与三磨展同期举办,“软”“硬”兼备,相得益彰。参展商借助实物展示和声光电的烘托,呈现全球超硬材料及制品的最新成果;业内专家借助会议讲坛,传道授业,把脉行业,引领行业发展方向。可以预计,本届会议规模会更大,效果会更好。它将是中国乃至全球超硬材料发展史上新的重要里程碑! Seminars and three grinding exhibition held in the same period, " soft" and " hard ", complement each other. Exhibitors with physical display contrast and photoelectric, the latest results show the globalsuper hard materials and products; industry experts with meetingforum, imparting knowledge, feel the pulse of the industry, leading the industry development direction. Can be expected, (Editor:admin) |