白红站强调,在郑州市着力打造新型工业化城市的同时,市政府也将积极实施千亿产业工程,大力推进千亿级以超硬为主的新材料基地等8个超过千亿产业工程。力争到今年底,汽车及装备制造业销售收入将力争超过2000亿元;电子信息产业和高端新型耐材产业分别超过1000亿元;全市销售收入超过百亿元的企业达到10户,省名牌产品达到135个,中国驰名商标达到22件。 White and red station emphasizes, in Zhengzhou City, strive to create a new industrial city at the same time, City Hall will actively implement the hundreds of billions of industrial engineering, and vigorously promote the hundreds of billions of super hard as new material base,8 more than 100 billion industry engineering. Strive to the end of this year, the automobile and equipment manufacturing industry sales income will strive to exceed 200000000000 yuan; electronic information industry and high-end new refractory material industrymore than 100000000000 yuan; the sales income of more than 10 billion yuan enterprises reached 10, provincial famous brand products reached 135, A Well-Known Trademark in China reached 22. 新材料聚集区建设进程加快 New materials of construction to speed up the process of gathering area 7月18日,荥阳市政府公布:郑州市新材料产业集聚区选址正式锁定为荥阳市,并确定了以超硬材料为主产业的发展模式。 In July 18th, Xingyang City Hall announced: Zhengzhou new materialindustrial agglomeration location officially lock for the city of Xingyang, and the development model with the super hard materialsindustry. 9月7日,郑州市政府印发了《2012年郑州市加快产业集聚区建设专项工作方案》,提出了要紧紧围绕“四集一转”,以提升发展水平为主线的总体要求。方案围绕战略支撑产业、战略性新型产业和传统优势产业发展重点,优先支持15个集聚区加快提升集群规模和水平。在新材料、新能源汽车等新兴产业领域,选择5个左右产业基础较好、研发创新能力较强的集聚区,以“区中园”模式建设战略性新兴产业示范园,加快产业化步伐,促进先导产业规模化发展。 In September 7th, Zhengzhou City Hall issued " to accelerate industrial agglomeration area construction special programme of work (Editor:admin) |