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Development of superhard material industry base to build the

Date:2013-12-13 22:58Source:未知 Author:admin Click: times
发展超硬 材料产业基地 积极打造 中原经济 区 Development of superhard material industry base to build the Central Plains Economic Area 2013年是 深入学习和 贯彻落实党的 十八大 精神 的开局之年, 是实施

发展超硬材料产业基地 积极打造中原经济

Development of superhard material industry base to build the Central Plains Economic Area


2013 is the in-depth study and implement the spirit of the eighteenstart of the year, is the implementation of " planning " of area of Central Plains economy start year, also the implementation of the "Twelfth Five Year " planning and action plan for three years, a crucialyear, is to ensure and improve people's livelihood, for the first in the province completed lay the foundation for a society for one year, I will take what measures? What are some of the new features to create?Yesterday, issued by the Zhengzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission Director Shi Zhanyong " in Zhengzhou in 2012 on the plan for national economic and social development and the implementation of the 2013 report of the draft plan of six session of the thirteen National People's Congress ". Interpretation of "investment ", " promoting new urbanization ", " the promotion of industrial transformation and upgrading ", " to promote the serviceindustry quality and growth " and other series of keywords, we see asurge high and sweep forward, 2013 is coming to our stride.

特别是在郑州工业转型升级方面,以加快发展主导产业为支撑着力推动工业转型升级重点措施包括积极推进5000亿级汽车装备制造业基地5000亿级电子信息产业基地和生物及医药以超硬材料为主的新材料以高端新型耐材为主的新材料精深加工现代食品品牌服装家居制造等6个千亿级产业基地建设力争开工建设总投资536.9亿元的74个超亿元重点工业项目力争新创建国家级新型工业化产业示范基地1个省级2个,市级3个 (Editor:admin)
