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Superhard nano twin structures appeared in bulk

Date:2013-12-13 22:37Source:未知 Author:admin Click: times
超硬 纳米孪晶结构 块材 问世 Superhard nano twin structures appeared in bulk 近日 , 燕山大学 亚稳材料制备 技术与科学 国家重点实验室 教授田永君 领导的研究小组 与多家科研机构 合作 , 利


Superhard nano twin structures appeared in bulk


Recently, Yanshan University, State Key Laboratory of metastable materials science and technology, Professor Tian Yongjun led research team with several scientific research institutions, using high temperature high pressure technique was successfully synthesizedhigh hardness of the nano twinned structure of cubic boron nitridebulk.


According to introduction, cubic boron nitride is a kind of importantsuperhard materials, have been widely used in ferrous materialsprocessing industry. Unfortunately, the artificial synthesis of cubic boron nitride crystal hardness is less than half that of diamond single crystal. While the material learned of Hall Paige (Hall-Petch ) relationsshowed polycrystalline material, hardness increases with decreasinggrain size. Therefore, synthesis of nano structure of cubic boron nitride has become an effective means to improve the hardness.


Previously, the martensitic transformation using graphite like boron nitride precursor under high temperature and high pressure, the scientists have synthesized nanocrystalline cubic boron nitrideminimum grain size of 14 nm.


Tian Yongjun and his collaborators at Jilin University, (Editor:admin)
