纳米金刚石 开创新领域 Open a new field of nano diamond 新材料的研发是我国重点发展的高新技术领域之一,而纳米材料又是其中的佼佼者。据权威机构推测2010年全世界纳米材料市场规模已超过2000亿美元。随着国际科技进步及工业向高精尖的发展,纳米技术已成各国竞相发展的重要领域之一。真正批量生产粒径为几个纳米的材料只有纳米金刚石等少数几种。 The development of new materials is one of the high-tech field in our country focus on the development of nano materials, and also is one of the best. According to the authoritative organization that nanomaterials market in the world in 2010 has exceeded $200000000000.With the development of international scientific and technological progress and industry to the high-tech development, nanotechnologyhas become one of the important field in each country. The real mass production of particle size of several nano materials and nano diamond, only a few. 金刚石又叫钻石。谈到钻石人们首先想到的往往是最珍贵的饰品,但其绝大多数应用在工业和科研领域。它具有多项世界第一:硬度、折光率、导热率、声速最高,而热胀系数、摩擦系数最小,且化学性质最稳定。纳米金刚石既具有金刚石的特性,又具有纳米材料的特性。因而它的功效是其它诸多材料无法比拟的。在精密抛光、高性能润滑、电镀、复合材料等领域中的应用是其他材料无法替代的。许多领域在试用纳米金刚石之后,收到了远远超乎预料的奇特效果。无怪乎它被一些科学家和工程师称为二十一世纪的“神圣材料”和“工业维他命”。但在我国,它的广泛应用尚处于启蒙阶段,其前景不可估量。 Diamond and diamond. When it comes to diamond people first thought is often the most precious jewelry, but the vast majority ofapplications in industrial and scientific fields. It is a world first:hardness, refractive index, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion coefficient, velocity is highest, and the lowest friction coefficient, andchemical properties of the most stable. Nano diamond has thecharacteristic of diamond, but also has the characteristics of nanomaterials. So it is the effect of other materials can not match.Application in the field of precision polishing, high performance lubricating, electroplating, composite materials, is unable to substituteother materials. Many areas in the trial after nano diamond, received a strange effect is much better than expected. No wonder it is accepted by scientists and engineers called twenty-first Century "sacred material " and " industrial vitamin ". But in our country, its wide application is still in the initial stage, the prospects immeasurable. 目前,我国在纳米金刚石的制造领域,从产能上已走在世界前列,但在应用领域比独联体及欧美日韩等国还有许多差距。 At present, our country in the field of manufacturing nano diamond,from the production has been at the forefront of the world, but in the field of application than the CIS and Europe and the United States,Japan and South Korea and other countries there are many gaps. 纳米金刚石主要是用负氧平衡法引爆炸药制取的,通常称之为爆轰法。它可大批量制造出粒径小于20纳米,平均粒径位于2~6纳米。它的单位质量颗粒数量级高达1018粒/克,所以它的纳米材料之优异性能表现得淋漓尽致。而目前其它纳米材料批量制造的大多是20纳米以粗。 Nano diamond is detonated the explosives with negative oxygenbalance method of preparation, often called detonation method. It can be mass produced particle size less than 20 nm, the average particle size is 2 ~ 6 nm. Unit mass of particles it orders of magnitudeup to 1018 eggs / g, so the excellent properties of nanocrystallinematerials it played most incisive. At present, other nanomaterialsmanufacturing is mostly 20 nm with coarse. 由于粒径小到纳米级,表面原子所占比例可达百分之几十。这使得它的许多理化指标与静压法生产的金刚石差别较大。 Due to the small particle size to the nanometer level, the proportionof atoms on the surface of tens of percent. This makes many of itsphysicochemical properties and static pressure of the diamond production difference. 纳米金刚石的应用领域极其广泛,应用的难点在于如何避免团聚而使其保持超分散状态。天津市乾宇超硬科技有限公司利用自主知识产权,通过专有的表面改性工艺,使其长期处于超分散状态,从而使它的优异性能得到较好的发挥。该公司在一些领域做出了许多有益的探索。
Applications of nano diamond has very wide application, the difficulty is how to avoid agglomeration and to maintain the super dispersingstate. Tianjin city Qianyu superhard technology limited company withindependent intellectual property rights, the proprietary surface modification technology, the ultra dispersed state for a long time, so that its excellent performance gets better play. The company has made many useful exploration in some areas. 纳米金刚石润滑油 Nano - diamond powder in lubricating oil
由于油中加入纳米金刚石后,滑动摩擦变成滚动摩擦,摩擦副表面逐渐改性,形成又硬又滑的金属碳化物。因而它的减摩抗磨效果是用有机化工的办法无法比拟的。台架实验表明:在EQ6100-1型汽油机上使用纳米金刚石发动机油后,输出功率平均提高4.2%,最高可达6.4%。燃油消耗率平均降低4.7%,最高可达10.3%。气缸压力提高28.9%。怠速转速提高10.2%。发动机怠速碳氢化物排放降低60%,氮氧化物排放降低20.5%。总之,发动机动力性、经济性和排放性均有较大改善,气缸密封性提高,且具有较好的减摩效果。对发动机具有免 Due to the addition of nano diamond in oil, the sliding friction intorolling friction, the friction pair surface gradually modified, forming a metal carbide hard and smooth. The antiwear and friction reducingeffect it is incomparable with organic chemical method. That the bench test : the use of nano diamond engine oil on EQ6100-1 typegasoline engine, the output power of the average increase of 4.2%,up to 6.4%. The fuel consumption rate is reduced by an average of 4.7%, up to 10.3%. Cylinder pressure is increased by 28.9%. The idle speed is increased by 10.2%. Engine idle HC emissions by 60%,nitrogen oxide emissions by 20.5%. In short, the engine power,economy and emission were greatly improved, cylinder seal is improved, and has better antifriction effect. With free on engine
拆卸清洗功能,冬季更易点火,发动机油的使用周期成倍延长。纳米金刚石磨合油可使发动机的磨合时间缩短30~50%,汽缸压力提高7~10%,缸套硬度增加10~20%,粗糙度明显改善,磨合油使用周期大大延长。 Remove the cleaning function, winter easy ignition, engine oil using period doubled. Nano diamond grinding oil can make the engine runtime is shortened by 30 ~ 50%, the cylinder pressure increase 7 ~10%, 10 ~ 20% cylinder increases the hardness, roughnesssignificantly improved, running in oil use cycle greatly extended.
纳米金刚石涡轮蜗杆油可使磨损量减小30%~80%,机械效率提高2%,对摩擦副具有自修复功能。纳米金刚石液压导轨油可使油膜的劲度系数提高20%。 Nano diamond worm oil reduces the wear 30% ~ 80%, the mechanical efficiency is increased by 2%, the friction pair with self repair function. Nano diamond hydraulic rail oil can make the oil filmstiffness coefficient increased by 20%.
纳米金刚石润滑油用于多种运转设备,如发动机、空气压缩机、真空泵、减速机、齿轮传动系统等,均可降低设备的震动和噪声。由于它对摩擦副具有特殊的改性和自修复功能,因而可使设备更长时间处于最佳工作状态。 Nano - diamond powder in lubricating oil used for a variety ofoperating equipment, such as engine, air compressor, vacuum pump,gear reducer, gear transmission system, can reduce the vibration and noise of equipment. Because of its friction with modification andself repair function of special equipment, so that the longer time in the best working condition.
纳米金刚石抛光液 Nano diamond polishing slurry
纳米金刚石抛光液与纳米硅溶胶相比抛光效率可提高4倍,表面粗糙度显著降低。用其对碳化硅晶体、蓝宝石、硬盘磁头、微晶玻璃等难加工的硬脆材料进行抛光,近年来发展极快。对碳化硅晶体抛光后其表面粗糙度可达0.1~0.3纳米。 Nano diamond polishing liquid with nanometer silica sol comparedpolishing efficiency can be increased by 4 times, the surface roughness decreased significantly. Polishing for hard and brittle materials on sapphire, SiC crystal, hard disk, glass ceramics are difficult to machine, fast development in recent years. The silicon carbide crystal polishing the surface roughness can reach 0.1 ~ 0.3 nm.
这可使计算机的硬盘表面达到超光滑,从而满足当前存储密度达到15.5Gb/平方厘米的最高要求。 This can make the hard surface computer to super smooth, so as tomeet the highest requirements of the current storage density reached 15.5Gb/ cm.
纳米金刚石涂料 Nano diamond coatings
将纳米金刚石分散到多种涂料中均可使其性能得到明显改善。涂料有一个重要的技术指标耐擦洗次数,一种内墙涂料加入纳米金刚石后可使其数值由200~300提高到3000以上。一种水泥建筑物用的柔性涂料中加入纳米金刚石,可使拉伸强度和断裂伸长率同时提高近二成,而用其它方案是不可能同时改善的。耐腐蚀性亦可成倍提高。一种金属材料用水性涂料加入纳米金刚石后,置于5%盐水浸泡,起泡时间由100多小时延长到600多小时。 The nanometer diamond dispersed to various coatings can make itsperformance is significantly improved. Coating is an important technical index scrub times, an interior wall coating with nanodiamond can make its value increased from 200 ~ 300 to more than 3000. Adding nano diamond flexible coating a cement used in buildings, the tensile strength and elongation at break increased at the same time into nearly two, while the other is impossible alsoimproved. Corrosion resistance can be improved. A metal water paintadding nano diamond, placed 5% in brine, foaming time increased from 100 hours to 600 hours.
初步试验表明,表面改性适宜的纳米金刚石对皮肤癌细胞的杀伤力接近70%,而对正常细胞没有副作用。 Preliminary experiments show that, surface modification of nano diamond suitable for skin cancer cell killing is close to 70%, and no side effect on normal cells.
天津市乾宇超硬科技有限公司的纳米金刚石发动机油经专家鉴定达到国际领先水平,抛光液达国际先进水平。前者先后获天津市技术发明奖、中国机械工业科学技术奖,并已获国家环保部科技成果证书,被认定为天津市节能产品。为便于长途运输和出口,特研制了系列纳米金刚石润滑油精,一般按2~5%加入到相应的市售润滑油中,即可使其性能得到改善,而原油的理化指标基本不变。许多高校的研究证明了油精的奇特功效。仅加入2%油精即可使摩擦系数降低27%,摩擦功耗降低18.4%;加入3%油精可使油膜承载能力可提高95.2%;加入5%油精可使AISI1045钢磨损量减少82%。目前,该公司已有纳米金刚石润滑油精和纳米金刚石抛光液产品批量上市。 Nano diamond engine oil Tianjin city Qianyu superhard technology limited company reached by the experts of international leading level,the polishing liquid reached the international advanced level. The former was awarded the city of Tianjin Technology Invention Award,China machinery industry science and technology award, and haswon the National Environmental Protection Ministry of science and technology achievement certificate, was identified as the energy saving products Tianjin city. In order to facilitate long-distance transport and export, developed a series of nano - diamond powder in lubricating oil, according to the general 2 ~ 5% is added to thecorresponding commercial lubricating oil, can make its performance is improved, and the physicochemical properties of crude oil is basically unchanged. Study of many colleges and universities thatthe peculiar effect oil. Only add 2% oil can make the friction coefficient is reduced by 27%, 18.4% to reduce friction power loss;add 3% oil can make the oil film bearing capacity can be increased by 95.2%; add 5% oil can make the wear of AISI1045 steel to reduce the amount of 82%. At present, the company has nano diamond powder in lubricating oil and nano diamond polishing liquid bulk products listed.
此外,纳米金刚石在复合材料(橡胶、塑料……)、复合涂层和环保领域均显示了优异性能。加有纳米金刚石的塑料膜极易附着在金属上而不需要加粘结剂。加入纳米金刚石的硅胶其强度可提高1~3倍。在Cr镀液中加入纳米金刚石,可使冲模寿命提高10倍以上。原镀金镀层厚4微米,加入纳米金刚石后可使镀层减少至2微米而保持镀层完整无空洞,其耐磨性还大幅提高。镀后表面色泽与不加纳米金刚石的一样。原镀1平方米需80克金,而加纳米金刚石后仅需40克金,可节省1万多元,其中仅需加入0.4克纳米金刚石。除了上述在发动机油中可明显减低尾气发放外,它还可有效地过滤重金属和放射性物质。在溶液中,1克纳米金刚石可吸附50克Ni。润滑油使用周期延长不仅提高了用户的经济效益,其本身就是对环保的巨大贡献。 In addition, the nano diamond composite materials ( rubber, plastic ...) And in the field of environmental protection, composite coatingshowed excellent performance. With plastic film of nano diamondeasily attached to the metal without binder. Adding nano diamondsilica gel whose intensity can be increased by 1 ~ 3 times. Adding nano diamond in Cr bath, can make the die life is increased by more than 10 times. The original gold plating thickness of 4 microns,adding nano diamond can be reduced to 2 micron and maintain theplating coating complete non empty, its wear resistance is greatly improved. After plating, surface color and not adding nano diamond.The original plating of 1 square metres to 80 grams of gold, andnano diamond after only 40 grams of gold, can save 10000 yuan, of which only need to add 0.4 grams of nano diamond. In addition to the above in engine oil can significantly reduce exhaust out, it also can effectively filter of heavy metals and radioactive substances. In solution, 1 gram of nanometer diamond can absorb 50 grams of Ni.Use of lubricating oil cycle extended not only improves the economic benefit of users, which in itself is a great contribution to theenvironmental protection.
因此,有关专家认为,推广应用纳米金刚石是利国利民的大好事,是低碳经济的促进剂。但由于其超前较大,或者说过于超前,国人知者甚少,因而应大力宣传。专家们建议,政府有关部门应给予资金和政策的大力支持,否则,只是出口大量的原材料,而真正的经济效益和社会效益都落在了发达国家里面。 Therefore, concerned expert thinks, the application of nano diamondis the country's good, is the promoter of low carbon economy. But because of its advanced greatly, or too lead, the very few people know about it, so we should vigorously publicize. Experts suggest that, the relevant government departments should vigorouslysupport, funding and policy otherwise, just export large quantities of raw materials, while the real economic benefit and social benefit are all fell in the developed countries.
亚洲协会第18届企业年会,公司总经理张书达与全国政协副主席,中国工程院院长徐匡迪合影。 Asian Association Eighteenth Annual Meeting, vice chairman Zhang Shuda of company general manager and the CPPCC National Committee, President of the Academy of Engineering Xu KuangdiChina photo.
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